August Wilhelm Schirmer

The harbour of Pozzuoli


Vgl. Margarete Kühn, Die Bauwerke und Kunstdenkmäler von Berlin, Schloß Charlottenburg, 2 Bde., Berlin 1970, Bd. I, S. 73, Bd. II, Abb. 356 (als “Italienischer Hafen bei untergehender Sonne”);
Vgl. Gert Bartoschek, Berliner Biedermeier. Malerei und Grafik aus den Sammlungen der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten, Potsdam-Sanssouci 1973, S. 66, Kat.-Nr. 10/20;
Vgl. Eva Sprecher-Uebersax (Hrsg.) und Ilse Baer, August Wilhelm Ferdinand Schirmer (1802-1866). Ein Berliner Landschaftsmaler aus dem Umkreis Karl Friedrich Schinkels, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin 1996, S. 133, Kat.-Nr. 4.9, Abb. S. 132.


View over the harbour of the fishing village of Pozzuoli, west of Naples. Bathed in a warm light from the rising sun, the Rione Terra rises up on tufa stone, a fortified complex criss-crossed by narrow alleyways, the foundations of which date back to the 2nd century BC. On the right is the Chiesa dell’Assunta a Mare, which is surrounded by numerous fishing boats.
The painting on offer is evidently a second version of a composition by Schirmer painted in 1838, which once hung in Friedrich Wilhelm IV’s lecture theatre in Charlottenburg Palace. This was removed to the New Chambers during the Second World War, taken away by the Red Army shortly before the end of the war in August 1945 and has been considered lost ever since.

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