Giovanni Battista Piranesi

67 fols. from: Vedute di Roma


H. Tenaeff, Französiche Straße 63, Berlin, with an old adhesive label;
since then in private ownership in southern Germany.


Very good, strong and contrasting prints of a total of 67 views. The complete series of Vedute di Roma comprises a total of 135 sheets, including 2 further sheets by Francesco Piranesi.
As early as the beginning of the 18th century, a development was heralded that is known today as ‘educational tourism’. The individual sheets, accompanied by short explanatory notes, were sold to travellers to Rome. Despite their enormous detail, Piranesi’s vedute do not show lifelike views of Roman sights and their surroundings, but present the viewer with a staged, poeticised architecture. The artist attached great importance to the staffage figures, which move in front of the architecture as if against a backdrop.
Posthumous edition Firmin-Didot, Paris. 1835-39, with the additional numbers 682-821. Two sheets with the blind stamp “Regia Calcografia’, which was used from 1870. – All sheets with slight handling marks in margins. One sheet with a marginal tear to the lower edge. Margins somewhat wavy in places and with occasional small stains. Binding bumped at the corners and in the fold area.

Included in this anthology are:
1st Frontispiece oft the Vedute di Roma, Hind 2 VII (of VII). Ed. Firmin-Didot, Paris.
2 The Pantheon Exterior. Hind 60 V (of V).
3 The Pantheon. Interior of the Portico. Hind 82 IV (of IV).
4 Francesco Piranesi (1758-1810), Veduta interno del Panteon volgarmente detto la Rotonda Foccilon 822, after 1778.
5 The Pantheon Interior. Hind 86 IV (from IV).
6 The so-called Temple of Minerva Medica. 74 IV (of IV).
7 The Capitol and the Steps of S. Virgin in Aracoeli Hind 38 V (of V).
8 The Piazza Del Campidoglio. Hind 111 II (from III).
9. The Capitol, seen from the Side of the Central Steps. Hind 39 V (from V).
10 The Forum Romanum, or Campo Vaccino. Hind 40 VI (from I).
11 The Temple of Vespasian. Hind 44 VI (from VI).
12. The Temple of Saturn, with a Corner of the Arch of Septimius Severus Hind 109 III (of III).
13. The Temple of Saturn, with the Arch of Septimius Serverus in the background, Hind 110 III (of III).
14. The Forum Romanum, or Campo Vaccino with the Temple of Antonius and Faustina. Hind 100 IV (from IV).
15. A Corner of the Forum Romanum with the Temple of Castor and Pollux (…). Hind 41 VII (from VII).
16 The Arch of Septimius Severus, with the Church of S. Virgin on the right. Hind 54 VI (from VI).
17 The Temple of Antonius and Faustina. Hind 49 VI (of VI).
18 The Basilica of Constantine. Hind 45 VI (of VI).
19. The Basilica of Constantine: with the Street seen through Arches on the left. Hind 114 IV (from IV).
20 The Temple of Venus and Roma. Hind 50 VI (from VI).
21 The Arch of Septimius Severus. Hind 99 III (of III):
22 The Arch of Titus. Hind 55 V (from V).
23. The Arch of Titus with the Casino Farnese on the left. Hind 98 IV (from IV).
24 The Arch of Janus. Hind 96 IV (from IV).
25 The Arch of Constantine. Hind 97 III (from III).
26 The Arch of Beneventum. Hind 135 IV 8of IV).
27 The Forum of Augustus. Hind 42 VII (of VII).
28 The Forum of Nerva. Hind 95 (IV of IV).
29 The Colosseum. Hind 57 IV (of IV).
30 The Colosseum. Bird’s-Eye View. Hind 126 IV (of IV).
31 The Colosseum: Interior. Hind 78 V (from V).
32 The Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum. Hind 56 VI (from VI).
33 Francesco Piranesi. Veduta Interna del Colosseo. 2nd Paris edition, c. 1835.
34 The Theatre of Marcellus. Hind 33 VII (of VII).
35. Substructure of the Temple of Claudius at the Church of SS: Giovanni e Paolo. Hind 43 VI (of VI).
36 The Bath of Caracalla: Bird’s-Eye View. Hind 76 III (from III).
37 The Bath of Caracalla: Interior of the Central Hall. Hind 77 IV (from IV).
38 The Bath of Diocletian, showing the church of S. Virgin degli Angeli (…). Hind 116 III (of III).
39 S. Virgin degli Angeli. Interior. Hind 129 IV (of IV).
40 The Bath of Diocletian: Interior of Frigidarium, South Wall Hind 115 III (of III).
41 The Bath of Trajan. Hind 123 III (from III).
42 The Bath of Trajan (erroneously called Bath of Titus). Hind 127 IV (from IV).
43 The Pyramid of Caius Cestius, with the Porta S. Paolo. Hind 35 VI (from VI).
44 The Pyramid of Caius Cestius. Hind 36 III (III).
45 The Tomb of Caecilia Metella. Hind 67 V (of V).
46 The Tombs attributed to Piso Licinianus. Hind 72 III (of III).
47 Hadrian’s Villa: The so-called Heliocaminus. Hind 130 III (from III).
48. the Ponte Lucano, with the Tomb of the Plautii. Hind 68 IV of (IV).
49 The Tomb of the Plautii. Hind 83 III (from III).
50. the so-called Tempio Della Tosse, near Tivoli. Hind 69 IV (from IV).
51 The so-called Tempio Della Tosse, near Tivoli. Interior. Hind 70 V (from V).
52 The so-called Villa of Maecenas, Tivoli. Hind 65 III (from III).
53. The so-called Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli: Interior with two Figures in the opening of an Arch above. Hind 73 IV (on IV).
54 The so-called Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli: Interior. Hind 84 III (on III).
55. The Temple of the Sibyl, Tivoli with another Temple right. Hind 61 V (from V).
56. The Temple of the Sibyl, Tivoli: The broken side of the Colonnade. Hind 62 III (from III).
57 The Temple of the Sibyl, Tivoli. Upright Plate. Hind 63 IV (from IV).
58 The Waterfall at Tivoli. Hind 75 V (from V).
59 The small Waterfall and Rapids at Tivoli. Hind 92 IV (on IV).
60 Hadrian’s Villa: The so-called Poecile. Hind 94 IV (from IV).
61 Hadrian’s Villa: The Apse of the so-called Hall of the Philosophers. Hind 112 III (from III).
62 Hadrian’s Villa: The Piazza D’Oro. Hind 132 IV (from IV).
63 Hadrian’s Villa: The so-called Heliocaminus. Hind 133 III (from III).
64 Hadrian’s Villa: A Hall in the so-called Accademia. Hind 134 III (from III).
65 Hadrian’s Villa: Remains of the so-called Pretorio. Hind 113 III (from III).
66 Hadrian’s Villa: The Canopus. Hind 90 IV (of IV).
67 Hadrian’s Villa: The Canopus. Interior. Hind 131 III (from III).
68 Hadrian’s Villa: The central room of the larger Thermae. Hind 93 III (from III).
67 Hadrian’s Villa: Remains of the smaller place. Hind 85 IV (from IV).

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